10 Fun Laser Tag Games for Kids

Get ready for an action-packed adventure with your little ones as we bring you a list of 10 incredibly fun laser tag games designed specifically for kids. This exciting activity is not only a great way to keep them entertained for hours, but it also promotes teamwork, physical activity, and strategic thinking among children. From classic game modes like Capture the Flag and Last Man Standing to thrilling variations such as Zombie Mode and VIP Protection, these laser tag games are bound to create unforgettable memories filled with laughter and excitement. So grab your laser guns, assemble your team, and get ready to embark on an epic laser tag journey that will leave your kids begging for more!

10 Fun Laser Tag Games for Kids

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Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag is a classic laser tag game that never gets old! In this game, two teams compete against each other to capture the opposing team’s flag and bring it back to their own base. The team that successfully captures the flag and brings it back to their base without being tagged by an opponent wins the game.

Flag Retrieval

In Flag Retrieval, the objective is to retrieve as many flags as possible within a set time limit. Each team has multiple flags scattered throughout the playing area, and the players must use their laser guns to shoot at the flags and capture them. The team with the most flags at the end of the game is declared the winner.

Multiple Flags Team

In the Multiple Flags Team variation, each team has not just one, but multiple flags to capture. This adds an extra layer of excitement and strategy to the game, as players must coordinate their efforts to capture as many flags as possible while defending their own. Teamwork is key in this fast-paced and exhilarating laser tag game.

VIP Protection

VIP Protection is a thrilling game mode where one player from each team is designated as the VIP (Very Important Player). The objective is to protect your team’s VIP while also trying to eliminate the opposing team’s VIP. The VIP must avoid being tagged by the opposing team’s players, while their teammates provide cover and support. The team that successfully protects their VIP and eliminates the enemy’s VIP wins the game.

Team Deathmatch

Team Deathmatch is a high-intensity game mode where two teams go head-to-head in a battle to eliminate each other. The team that eliminates all of their opponents first or has the most remaining players at the end of the time limit wins the game.


In the Elimination mode, the objective is simple – eliminate as many players from the opposing team as possible. Players must use their laser guns to tag opponents, and once tagged, a player is out for the remainder of the round. The team with the last player standing or the most remaining players wins the round.


Power-Ups add an exciting element to Team Deathmatch games. Players can collect power-ups scattered throughout the arena, which grant them special abilities such as increased firepower, invincibility for a short period, or even the ability to heal teammates. These power-ups can turn the tide of the battle and create thrilling gameplay moments.

Shield Generator

The Shield Generator is a game element that adds an extra layer of protection to players. Each team has a Shield Generator located at their base, and when activated, it generates a protective shield around all players on the team, making them invulnerable to being tagged for a limited time. The team that strategically utilizes the Shield Generator to their advantage gains a significant edge over the opposing team.

Medic Role

In team-based laser tag games, having a Medic Role can make a huge difference. The Medic is responsible for healing and reviving teammates who have been tagged by the opposing team. This role adds a strategic element to the game, as teams must protect their Medic while also ensuring they can reach injured teammates in time. The presence of a dedicated Medic can turn the tide of a Team Deathmatch and lead their team to victory.

10 Fun Laser Tag Games for Kids

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Zombies is a thrilling and suspenseful game mode where players face off against a horde of undead. The goal is to survive the zombie onslaught and complete the game objective.

Zombie Hunt

In Zombie Hunt, players take on the role of the survivors and must work together to eliminate the zombies. The zombies are controlled by a few players, who try to tag the survivors and turn them into zombies. The survivors must use their laser guns to eliminate the zombies and stay alive as long as possible. The game ends when either all survivors are tagged or all zombies are eliminated.

Survivor Escape

Survivor Escape puts players in the shoes of the survivor, who must navigate through a zombie-infested playing area to reach a designated safe zone. The zombies will try to tag the survivors and turn them into one of their own. The survivors must use their wits, agility, and laser guns to evade the zombies and successfully reach the safe zone. It’s a heart-pounding race against the undead!


Infection is a game mode where players start as humans but can be infected by the zombies. The initial zombies must try to tag the humans, turning them into zombies. The game ends when all humans are infected or when the time limit runs out. This game mode adds a thrilling element of suspense as players must decide whether to trust their fellow humans or be on the lookout for signs of infection.

Seek and Destroy

Seek and Destroy is an intense game mode where one team plays as the zombies, and the other team plays as the survivors. The survivors must locate and destroy specific targets, while the zombies must try to tag the survivors and prevent them from achieving their objective. This game mode requires both stealth and strategy as teams maneuver through the playing area, constantly on the lookout for the opposition.

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek is a classic game that can be elevated to a whole new level with laser tag. The objective is to find or hide from opponents in a creative and challenging environment.

Traditional Hide and Seek

In Traditional Hide and Seek, one player is designated as the seeker and must close their eyes and count to a certain number. Meanwhile, the other players hide throughout the playing area. Once the seeker finishes counting, they must locate and tag the hidden players. The last player to be found becomes the next seeker. Laser tag adds an exciting twist to this classic game, as players must use stealth and evasion tactics to avoid being tagged.

Base Hide and Seek

Base Hide and Seek adds a new dimension to the game by introducing designated bases. Each team has a home base, and the players on each team must hide within their respective base. The seekers must venture into enemy territory to find and tag the hidden players. This variation requires careful coordination and strategy as players must balance defending their base and searching for opponents.

Infrared Sensors

Infrared Sensors are a valuable addition to Hide and Seek games. Each player wears an infrared sensor, and when tagged, the sensor lights up and signals that the player has been found. This adds an element of excitement as players can strategically move and hide to avoid being detected by opponents.

Chameleon Mode

Chameleon Mode is a game variant in which players can blend into their surroundings and become nearly invisible. By activating the Chameleon Mode, players can change the color and pattern of their laser tag vest or equipment to match their surroundings, making them harder to spot by opponents. This game mode requires careful observation and keen eyesight to locate hidden players. It’s like playing a real-life game of hide and seek with a futuristic twist!

10 Fun Laser Tag Games for Kids

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Last Man Standing

Last Man Standing is a thrilling game mode where it’s every player for themselves. The objective is to be the last player standing by eliminating all opponents.


In a Free-for-All game, it’s every player for themselves. Each player must eliminate as many opponents as possible, while simultaneously avoiding being tagged themselves. The last player remaining without being tagged is declared the winner. It’s a fast-paced and adrenaline-filled game where it’s survival of the fittest!

Limited Ammo

Limited Ammo is a game variant where players have a limited number of shots before they must reload their laser gun. This adds an extra layer of strategy and forces players to think strategically about when to take shots and conserve ammunition. Players must time their shots carefully and make every shot count to outlast their opponents.


Power-Ups can add an exciting twist to Last Man Standing games. Just like in other game modes, players can collect power-ups that grant them special abilities such as increased speed, increased firepower, or even the ability to take an extra hit before being eliminated. These power-ups can provide a much-needed advantage in the intense battle for survival.

Refill Stations

Refill Stations are strategically placed throughout the playing area and allow players to replenish their ammo supply or recharge their health. Knowing the location of refill stations and planning strategic retreats to replenish supplies can be the difference between victory and defeat. Players must balance staying in the action and replenishing their resources to outlast their opponents.

Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion takes laser tag to a whole new level by introducing an extraterrestrial threat. Players must band together to protect Earth from the alien invasion.

Rescue Mission

Rescue Mission puts players in the role of the brave heroes who must rescue captured civilians from the clutches of the aliens. The objective is to locate and free as many hostages as possible within the time limit, while fending off waves of alien attacks. Teamwork, communication, and strategic planning are essential to successfully complete the mission.

Protect Earth

In the Protect Earth game mode, players must defend specific areas or targets from the alien invaders. The aliens will try to tag the players, and if successful, the player becomes an alien and joins their ranks. The remaining humans must work together to eliminate the aliens and protect Earth from the invasion.

Alien Abduction

Alien Abduction is a thrilling game mode where players must avoid being tagged by the aliens and taken captive. Players must use their laser guns to fend off the aliens and stay free. The aliens will try to tag as many players as possible and convert them into aliens. It’s a race against time as the human players strive to resist alien domination.

Power Core Defense

In Power Core Defense, players must defend a crucial power core from the alien invaders. The aliens will attempt to tag the players and infiltrate the base to destroy the power core. The human players must work together to repel the aliens and protect the power core at all costs. It’s a high-stakes battle that requires coordination, strategy, and quick reflexes.

Spy Mission

Spy Mission puts players in the shoes of secret agents on a dangerous mission. Stealth and cunning are vital for success in these thrilling game modes.

Stealth Infiltration

Stealth Infiltration requires players to navigate a heavily guarded area without being detected. The objective is to reach a specific location or retrieve sensitive information without alerting the guards. Players must use stealthy movements, strategic timing, and careful observation to avoid being tagged by the guards and complete the mission.

Data Extraction

In Data Extraction, players are tasked with retrieving valuable data from high-security locations. The objective is to reach the data terminals, extract the necessary information, and escape undetected. Players must navigate through complex mazes, avoid security systems, and outsmart any guards they encounter. It’s a thrilling race against time to secure the classified information.

Double Agents

Double Agents is a game variant where some players are secretly assigned as double agents, and their objective is to both complete the mission and identify and eliminate the other double agents. The rest of the players must work together to achieve the mission objective while also trying to identify and neutralize the double agents. Trust is a scarce resource in this exciting game mode.

Laser Maze

Laser Maze is a challenging spy game mode where players must navigate through a web of laser beams without triggering an alarm. The objective is to reach the end of the maze or retrieve a specific item without interrupting the laser beams. Players must showcase agility, flexibility, and attentiveness to successfully navigate the maze and complete the mission.

Target Practice

Target Practice is a game mode that focuses on honing players’ accuracy and reflexes. It’s all about hitting the targets and achieving the highest score.

Moving Targets

Moving Targets is a dynamic target practice game where the targets are in motion. Players must aim and shoot at the moving targets to accumulate points. The faster and more accurately they hit the targets, the higher their score. It’s a great way to improve reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and shooting skills.

Speed Challenge

Speed Challenge is a target practice game mode that tests players’ speed and accuracy. The objective is to hit as many targets as possible within a set time limit. Players must quickly aim and shoot at the targets, racing against the clock to achieve the highest score. It’s a fast-paced and thrilling exercise in precision shooting.

Obstacle Course

Obstacle Course combines target practice with agility and problem-solving. Players must navigate through a challenging course while shooting at targets along the way. The course may feature obstacles such as walls, tunnels, or barriers that add an extra level of difficulty. It’s a fantastic way to improve shooting accuracy while also testing physical abilities.

Rapid Fire

Rapid Fire is a target practice game mode that pushes players’ shooting speed to the limit. The objective is to shoot as many targets as possible in the shortest amount of time. Players must showcase their lightning-fast reflexes and precise shooting skills to achieve the highest score. It’s an exhilarating and intense game mode that boosts reaction times and shooting proficiency.


Duel is a head-to-head game mode where players face off against each other one-on-one. It’s a true test of skill and strategy.


In Head-to-Head duels, two players go head-to-head in a battle to tag each other and score points. The player who successfully tags their opponent and avoids being tagged themselves earns points. The objective is to accumulate the most points within a set time limit. It’s an intense and competitive game mode that showcases individual skills and quick thinking.

Mirror Match

Mirror Match is a duel game mode where two players wear the same laser tag vest and have identical abilities. The objective is to outwit and outshoot your opponent by anticipating their moves and taking advantage of their weaknesses. This game mode tests strategic thinking, adaptability, and the ability to make split-second decisions.

Time Limit

In Time Limit duels, players compete against each other within a set time limit. The objective is to tag your opponent as many times as possible within the allocated time. Each successful tag earns a point, and the player with the most points at the end of the time limit wins the duel. It’s a fast-paced and adrenaline-filled game mode that requires quick reflexes and accurate shooting.

High Score

High Score duels focus on achieving the highest individual score. Players compete against each other to accumulate points by successfully tagging their opponent. The player with the highest score at the end of the game wins. This game mode is all about precision shooting, tactical decision-making, and maximizing point-scoring opportunities.


Dodgeball is a beloved physical game that translates incredibly well into laser tag. Players dodge, duck, dip, dive, and shoot in these high-energy game modes.

Laser Dodgeball

Laser Dodgeball combines the excitement of traditional dodgeball with the exhilaration of laser tag. Players must dodge incoming laser beams while trying to tag their opponents with their lasers. Once tagged, players are out of the game. The last player standing wins the round. It’s a fast-paced and action-packed game mode that requires agility, quick reflexes, and accurate shooting.

Ricochet Shots

Ricochet Shots is a dodgeball game variant where players can use the walls and surfaces to their advantage. Instead of directly tagging opponents, players can shoot their lasers at walls or surfaces, causing the laser beams to bounce and hit opponents. This adds an extra layer of strategy and creativity to the game, as players must use angles and rebounds to tag their opponents.

Team Elimination

In Team Elimination dodgeball, players are split into two teams, and the objective is to eliminate all players from the opposing team by tagging them with the lasers. Once tagged, players are out of the game. The team with at least one player remaining wins the round. Teamwork, communication, and coordination are crucial to success in this game mode.

Bouncing Balls

Bouncing Balls is a dodgeball game mode where players use laser-tag equipped balls to tag opponents. The objective is to aim and throw the balls in a way that they bounce and hit opponents. Players must use their throwing skills and accuracy to score hits while also evading incoming balls. It’s a challenging and exciting game mode that adds a twist to traditional dodgeball.

Whether it’s adrenaline-fueled team battles, thrilling spy missions, or challenging target practice, laser tag offers a wide variety of game modes to cater to every player’s preferences. From classics like Capture the Flag and Team Deathmatch to unique and imaginative game modes like Alien Invasion and Spy Mission, laser tag provides endless fun and excitement for kids of all ages. So grab your laser gun, put on your vest, and get ready for an unforgettable laser tag adventure!

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